SellingBy Owner

Once sellers know how to do it...they may not want to do it. That's how you get the business.

Once sellers know how to do it...they may not want to do it.

At the end of this video sellers that are considering For Sale By Owner will realize the difficult task ahead of them and may need to list with your professional

David Knox hasn't "defected" to the other side by making a video for FSBOs. This video is an honest presentation of all the things that must happen for a home to sell and close successfully. The truth is, when homeowners know exactly what it takes to sell a home, they're less likely to try it themselves, and more likely to seek the services of a real estate agent.

Prospecting Tool

Send this brief video to FSBOs as a reason to contact them. It shows them the challenges of selling their own home and gently encourages them to consider an agent. You will have a tool that helps you list For Sale By Owners and overcome the FSBO objection on any listing prospect. It gives you a reason to contact For Sale by Owners twice: once to send the video and again to see how they liked it. Whether you contact them by phone or in person, tell them about this video and offer to send it to them as a customer service.

Persuasion Tool

It's like a presentation on how to change the transmission in your car. At the end you might know how to change the transmission, but you'd also know that you don't want to do it yourself. It covers sellers' objectives, selling challenges, marketing, selling, closing and FSBO companies.

Listing Tool

At some point during a listing presentation the owner may indicate their interest in selling by owner. Suggest that they first spend 21 minutes to watch the video. If they don't have time to watch, then they don't have time to sell their home. Agents have reported success in getting the listing by merely mentioning the video! The sellers just don’t want any more delays in selling their home.

Third Party Objective

Sellers may be skeptical of your warnings against FSBO. They're more likely to be persuaded by an objective, third party video. The introduction establishes me as an expert in real estate and the presentation is like a documentary TV program.


Our products are known for their charts and illustrations that make complex concepts simple and clear. This video contains many charts, illustrations and dialogs.

Content Overview

1. Marketing Management
2. Exposure to Public
3. Secure Prospects
4. Demonstrate Home
5. Agreement to Purchase
6. Close Transaction
7. Equity Payment